Twilight by Stepheny Meyer



I would give this book    ♥♥♥♥♥   !!!  I think it is fantastic and I can’t wait to read the others!! (Peaches Marshall)


 Twilight is about a seventeen years old girl called Bella Swan.  Her parents are separated and she lives with her mum and step-dad Phil in Phoenix but Phil is a basketball player and   he travels a lot so Bella’s mother stays at home with her.Bella can see this  is making her mum unhappy so she goes to live in Forks with her Dad and she meets a mysterious boy called Edward Cullen. She finds him irresistible and she can’t leave him alone! Bella decides to find out about Edward and his family and she starts talking to Edward and she falls in love with his snow white skin, golden eyes and his mesmerizing voice.Bella knows that he is hiding a dark secret and she is determined to find the truth about the “Cullens” (Edwards family) but up until now Edward has managed to keep his true identity hidden. Bella doesn’t realize that the closer she gets to him, the more she is putting herself in danger, Edward has tried to warn her  and to keep his distance from her but he finds Bella utterly irresistible too

Bella clearly states that she would rather die than stay away from him!